Friday, July 31, 2009

Relationships in this world

We've been married for 21 years. For some that's not long; for many it's a huge amount of time. I love him and even on our darkest days relationship-wise, I know he loves me. BUT... When you are in the thick of misunderstandings, thoughtless words/actions, or omissions...Well it can feel like everything you've built around you is slipping through your hands like water.

He and I were raised as Witnesses. We were taught that the Bible shows us to be happy, you must put the other's interests first.--Philippians 2:1-4 But this world is so wicked and we are all bombarded everyday with images of selfishness--the pursuit of material things, the pursuit of one's own interests and gains.

I recently saw a new show on NBC, "The Philanthropist." It is very difficult to look at some of the violent images portrayed because you know they are based in reality--all because of some one's greed. (That being said the images of sexuality are just another case for selfishness. I actually looked away a lot.) I know it seems like I'm rambling here but stay with me. What most struck me about this show is the great desire for someone...anyone--even someone as selfish as the fictional "Teddy"--to make things right. Give people who don't "have" so that they "have." It got me to thinking about marriage.

When issues arise in our relationships, we all want someone to make the problem go away. The reality is we have to do the work. "Teddy" first thought, "I can get myself out of here. I have the means to do it. What will happen with the others, will happen." But, when he saw that little boy on the sinking boat, there was that realization that it isn't just about him. It's about all of us.

Unfortunately, the real world is not a like a television show. Sure there are some people who do good with what they have. But, that is few and far between. Until all of mankind stop thinking mostly of themselves and very little of others, the world will continue on this way.

As marriage mates, one must put the other's interests ahead of one's own. I'm not advocating a doormat philosophy. Certainly if one is being taking advantage of then you must address that situation or move on as best as one could. What I am advocating is the same thing Jesus put forth while on the earth that most people know as the "Golden Rule." “All things, therefore, that YOU want men to do to YOU, YOU also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean."--Matthew 7:12

Am I treating my mate with respect? Something also foretold in the bible.--Ephesians 5:33 Of course this includes admonition for husbands as well. Speaking the truth to each other is also of paramount importance. Even if that seems difficult at the moment because you believe the person may get upset or you may feel uncomfortable saying it.--Ephesians 4:25 That scripture is not specifically speaking about marriage mates, but wouldn't your closest "neighbor" be the one with whom you live?

One of my most favorite scriptures, though, is 1 Corinthians 13:4, 5 (you really can't go wrong with applying the entire 13th chapter). It speaks of long-suffering. I appreciate what I heard someone say once, "It doesn't say, 'suffering long.'" How true! You can be suffering for quite sometime but your attitude may not be a good one. How miserable that would be?! However, if you are long-suffering, well wouldn't it make sense that only a good attitude, more than likely a forgiving one, would be what helped you make it through? How much better that would be. (Proverbs 14:30)

Also, the scripture in 1 Corinthians mentions love equaling kindness. Worth mentioning more, however, is that it does not 'keep account of the injury.' Boy! How many skirmishes, fights, and plain old-fashion war would be avoided, maybe even emliminated if all on the earth applied that counsel?

How does each marriage mate treating the other in the positive ways mentioned affect the world? It sounds grandiose, but truly it all begins with each of us.

I guess I did ramble. ;) Well...I feel better.

Of course, the only thing that will truly help the world permenantly is God's Kingdom since no matter how hard we try, we will always be imperfect until that kingdom is established on earth once again.

Daniel 2:44
Ephesians 6:12
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Revelation 12:5-9, 12
Psalm 37:10, 11
Matthew 5:5
Acts 3:21
Isaiah 25:8
John 17:3
Revelation 21:3,4

Monday, July 27, 2009

a few more thoughts

I've always wanted to go to Ireland. Whenever I see images of the countryside or even surrounding islands, I almost cry. I don't know why I react this way. Although I do have irish roots (by way of English settlers in Ireland), I don't really know any family that is there.

I just saw some images of Ireland from someone else's blog and it makes me want to go so badly. I understand the economy is worse there than it is here in the U.S. But, I think the lifestyle is better. It seems more laidback.

I'm listening to our Bible reading for this week: Numbers Chapters 1-3. There was such organization in the nation of Israel. This first chapter names each tribe and the sons. It's amazing how they were able to travel for so long with so many people. It is only with reliance on Jehovah God that they were able to endure. Much the way His people do today.

I have to work tonight. I don't like leaving the family but with the economy the way it is, it has to be done. I clean a medical office at night a few times a week. It's not glamorous and doesn't pay the greatest. But, it fits into our life right now. And I think I'm pretty good at it. The employers are happy at least.

The boys are asking for another helping of rice. ;) Till next time.

Chris' visit

I just had a lovely visit with my good friend, Chris. She recently started on a gluten-free diet and it is proving most challenging. Surprised? Of course not! All gluten-free-ers out there know how difficult the beginning can be. Fortunately for her she isn't starting this 10 or 20 years ago when there wasn't as much information available.

We have decided we're going to work together on getting our bodies healthy. She brought over some Aloe Vera juice for me to try. It sort of tastes like weak unsweetened tea. It's definitely an acquired taste. But, I'm willing to do it if it means my digestive system gets back on track.

I shared with her some of the things that helped me in my first weeks of going gluten-free. Unfortunately, she doesn't care for fresh fish. But, she likes tuna. I suggested eating lots of veggies and fruit--which she has mostly been doing she said. She had watermelon for breakfast this morning. ;) She's been doing a lot of closet cleaning! I don't envy her for that.

She also told me about rosemary shampoo & conditioner for my hair. It's been falling out since last year. I recently bought some shamp&cond that has avocado extract, shea, & olive oil that promises it works on each layer of the hair shaft. My hair does seem to look better, shinier. We'll see if it continues. If it doesn't work, I guess it's back to the health store for me!

First One

Well, folks. I hope to update this blog at least once a week. I don't really know why I'm starting it, to tell the truth. I guess I am just transferring my journal to here. I've kept some sort of journal/diary since I was about 12. Now that I've been married for 21 years and have children (two boys--Q., almost 11 years; C., 6 1/2 years), I find myself writing more often than I did when I was younger.

I recently found out (after suffering since I was very young) that I have celiac. So I will be posting interesting recipes, new information and the like here. Also, I will be boring you with my journey through wifedom and motherhood.

I am also one of Jehovah's Witnesses and will periodically post tidbits about how that affects my family life. Let me make a preemptive statement: please don't flame me about this. I did not start this blog to debate religion with anyone. However, as this is my way of life, it will "pepper" my blog, so be forewarned. If you don't want to read about Jehovah's Witnesses, you have the choice of not reading this blog.

All that being said, I will now click "publish post" on my first blog entry.

BTW: The picture was "drawn" by my 6 1/2 year old on the computer. Great, right?